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ADELAIDE 2-DAY POP-UP SALE: Fri 15 & Sat 16 September
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You gonna come see us at our next pop-up?
Here's all the details so you can stick it in yr calendar RIGHT NOW.
WHEN: 15 & 16 September 2017
WHERE: Espresso Royale 357 Magill Rd St Morris
⇨ We'll be there! (Tori & Paul)
⇨ ... With tonnes of new, secondhand and amazing vinyl
⇨ Really, really cheap CDs, DVDs, blu-rays and box sets too
⇨ Pop culture knicknacks and gifts
⇨ The best coffee in the world courtesy Espresso Royale
⇨ Bring the kids! They can hang out in the cubby while you take yr sweet time digging through our crates
⇨ B A R G A I N S
Join the Event page on Facebook to get our reminders >>> CLICK HERE
Can't wait to say hi again in person!!
Tori & Paul X

Adelaide pop-up shop closing Aug 5
I've got something to tell you and it's not gonna be easy so I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Our pop up shop in St Morris, Adelaide is wrapping up in early August. *sniff*We actually only intended for our pop up shop to be open for 3 months from the time of opening [...]