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Your chance to WIN $50 to spend every month! Here’s how.
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Are you an Instagram user?
Do ya like sharing your latest hauls from us?
Do you love winning shit?
Great. You're a perfect candidate for a cool $50 towards your next purchase.
It’s our monthly giveaway we call #musesmail , and we think you should get onto it already.
You might've seen this cheeky snippet at the end of your Muses invoice. (If not, congratulations! You’re in good company with 99% of people who tear open parcels feverishly, salivate over the contents and disregard the boring paperwork.)
(Stay with us: this one's worth paying attention to).
If you can hold off fondling your shiny new title for a few seconds to take a great little photo of it, you'll go in the running to win $50 worth of delicious music and media each month, just by uploading your pic!
Here's how:
- When your Muses mail arrives, open your mailer to reveal your goodies (careful now - uou don't wanna scratch the goodies inside!)
- Take a nice snap of what you bought (props for creativity)
- Upload to your Instagram account
- Hashtag your pic with #musesmail and any other # you like. Don't forget to tag us so we see it: @the_muses_au
- Add a caption with all the gushing, bragging and musical gratitude you can muster.
If we dig your pic, we'll regram so our followers can have a looksee, too (It's like having your fifteen minutes of fame without suffering all the drawbacks of actual fame).
Our favourite #musesmail each month will get a $50 credit to spend in our store. Just like that.
December’s winner
...was bloody hard to pick.
But we couldn’t go past @wiggslando and his double whammy of Sonic Youth and Beastie Boys, nicely arranged on some fancy looking knobs and switches.
Congrats mate! We’ll be in touch soon to let you know how you can claim your $50.
And thank you so much to all the other cool, hip and otherwise excellent entries we received during the month.
It’s already Jan… get entering!

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