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Staff profile: Meet Catie
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onAnother staff profile, comin' at ya! Meet Catie - our adorable marketing and content chick who helps us get the word, word, word out about great music and media. Over to you, Catie.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m Catie, and I'm The Muses Social Media & Marketing Ninja. Which is a ruse to get closer to Tori & Paul (hey, you’d do the same).
When I’m not hanging with those guys, I’m being a freelance copywriter - cultivating dark circles, caffeine addiction and churning through playlists called ‘Deep Focus’. I have a rescue greyhound named Daaave, and take lots of pictures of his rapidly receding tail.
Who are some of your favourite artists?
I dig most music. (No, I wasn’t going to say my taste was ‘eclectic’). Everything from Beck to Beirut to Bonnie Prince Billy to Fever Ray to Andrew Bird to Nick Cave to the Strokes. Damon Albarn can do no wrong. Nils Frahm is a genius. Piano tinkling. Old dusty jazz. Ambient, thinking-friendly tunes. The classics, of course. Beatles, Tim Buckley, Paul Simon, Velvet Underground, Dire Straits blah blah.
Going through an extended ‘alt-country’ phase. Gotta love noodling, feat. beards. And - after years of resistance, I’m finally giving aural love to my laydieeez - ‘specially the locals, like Julia Jacklin.
What was the first live gig you attended?
Can’t remember if it was the first - Mum & Dad had pretty excellent taste for adults, so they probably toted me in utero to a gig or two.
But, I remember standing in line when I was 14 or 15 at this divey Newcastle venue called The Palais. Where all the punks went, and I definitely wasn’t meant to be.
I was sporting a radical (not radical) leather wrist cuff, dyed blue/black hair (with weird symmetrical tendrils plastered down at the front) and kids-sized Triple J tee.
My bestie and I had tickets to local band The Hauntingly Beautiful Mousemoon - who really were hauntingly beautiful. They had a smoke machine! And strange, repetitive lyrics, with experimental instrumentals and semi-naked frontman. The floor was sticky. But even if my shoes weren’t affixed to to a layer of alcoholic sap, I wouldn’t have moved. I was mesmerised. Live music blew my mind.
Which three things could you not live without?
My Ma.
My greyhound Daaave.
What was the last album you played in its entirety/what's on high rotation at your place right now?
My ears still aren’t over Kevin Morby’s - Singing Saw. Such a goodie.
If you could witness any live gig in history, what would it be?
Oh gawd. I guess ANY Bowie gig would do.
What do you do in your spare time?
Make useless crap out of clay. Walk dog. Pull weeds. Increase cardiovascular fitness, one mindless spin class at a time. Marvel at nature. Stare at sand particles. Refresh Facebook. Eat to excess. Read classic, incomprehensible literature and hope someone sees.
What movie or song title best describes your life so far?
She’s A Lady - Tom Jones. One of the only things I know for sure.
Tell us something that you think would surprise us?
If Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz’ - GET LOW comes on, I’ll automatically bound to the nearest thrashable space and dance like everyone’s watching.
What was your favourite childhood movie?
The Three Amigos. You know the one with Steve Martin, Martin Short and Chevy Chase? No idea why. Could recite the whole damn thing.
What item(s) from The Muses store is on your wish list right now?
Just everything.
Feel like you know Catie a little better? Awesome sauce. Hang tight, you'll meet more of the gang soon.

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