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New Release Music | Friday the 11th of November 2016
Wanna keep up with what’s new, what’s hot, what’s freshly pressed? But can’t stand soulless Top 40 singles? The Muses gotcha covered. Each week, we sift through the world’s new releases and pick ones we like - and you’ll like too. The good shit - hold the Beiber. Here's what's out this week:→ The Band - The [...]
Let Emitt Rhodes be YOUR musical gastro
Pauly explains what Emitt Rhodes and Norovirus have in common.Snacks and drinks. Mmm snacks. Aahhh drinks.That’s what our friends were bringing to our home each week back when Tori and I were hosting a weekly Twin Peaks marathon, some 12 years ago. And that would have been enough; however one week our friend Lukebrought [...]
Violent Femmes new album, Australian Tour
Aussies will be treated to Limited Edition Australian Exclusive GREEN vinyl and a national tour when Violent Femmes launch their first album in 16 years, ‘WE CAN DO ANYTHING’, on March 4th.